Tanya lagi nich newbieeeee say punya form modal terdapat grid untuk liat data dan 2 image sebagai pengatur view di grid tersebut, dimana pada image1 bila diclick akan tampil view data dan di image2 akan tampil edit data bila diclick, bila mana view / image1 maka grid colom1 text1 keypress ada perintah / prosedur do form with this.value (parameter value di text1 colom1 grid). Dan di edit data / image2 ingin saya tampilkan prosedur lain misalnya hapus data (select faktur locate for faktur.no_kwt = this.value && hasil dari gri1 colom1 text1 yg di keypress if found() repl norek with ” endif. Kenapa ga muncul seperti yang sy inginkan. Boleh minta saran?? Penulisan coding yang benar untuk memanggil form lain berdasarkan parameter. Sy sudah coba seperti ini??

MathType 6.9 Keygen Plus Product Key For MAC – Windows Mathtype 6.9 Crack is really a useful and powerful software. It is a famous application used for mathematical notation like algebraic, geometric, derivatives, statistical, trigonometric etc. MathType 6.9 Keygen is an education as well as the learning procedural software. It has so most powerful and interactive equation editing tools.

Serial I/O (RS232) Using Delphi All Intel PCs have one or two serial ports usually referred to as Com1 and Com2. These comm ports provide voltages and pin outs consistent with RS-232C. Normally, these ports are used for mice, modems, printers, and the like. Under DOS, it was possible to directly access these ports. However, Windows 95 and above forbid direct hardware access.